This is a space filled with the love, hope, peace, and joy of Jesus. The stories, devotions, and Scriptures you’ll encounter are all intended to refresh your faith and remind you of your identity as a child of God. There is evidence of God’s glory all around us, but far too often we miss it—we are in a hurry, we’re too distracted with the things of this world, or we are consumed with worry. We have been given promises declaring our place in the family of God, but far too often we forget our privileges and blessings.
My hope is to slow us down, refocus our minds onto truth, direct our eyes to the wonder of God, and help us grow in confidence based on our identity in Christ. I simply write and share the things that God puts on my heart in the hopes that your heart is blessed too. Sometimes He speaks to me in our quiet times together at home, other times it is while I’m exploring the amazing world He created.
Besides blog devotions, you will also discover books, videos, and podcasts designed to take you deeper into the Word of God. Take a moment to look around and get acquainted with the site.
I pray that you are truly blessed and inspired!​
Blessings, Tracy
"Rejoice in the Lord always.
I will say it again: Rejoice!"
Philippians 4:4