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With so much that is unknown in the world there is room for endless discovery. We send men to the moon and satellites into outer space. We search the galaxies and constellations with the hope of finding something new and astounding.


 “The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1


 The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders;

where morning dawns, where evening fades,

you call forth songs of joy. Psalm 65:8


Too often we limit ourselves with the idea that discovery is something “out there” on the horizon. Really, some of our greatest and most significant discoveries are those that we find much closer to home.


Discoveries about who God is and how that impacts us personally.

The paramount realization that God sent His Son Jesus so that we can have a relationship with Him.

About God’s plan for this world, how we fit in, and the part that we play in His grand story.

What it means to seek His Kingdom first and represent Him here on earth.

Revelations of His love, power, and care—He will never leave us or forsake us.

Discovering joy in the biggest of circumstances and the smallest of details.

Glimpsing radiant rays of hope on the darkest of days.

Encountering peace amid uncertain storms.

Understanding God’s will for our lives; what it means to live and love like Jesus.

A knowledge that He provides for our needs and wants us to rely on Him daily.

That our gifts, talents, abilities, time, resources, and opportunities are blessings from Him, to be used for His glory and to benefit others.

Finding that God speaks to us through the Bible, and we can talk to Him through prayer anytime.

That the Holy Spirit strengthens, encourages, and reminds us of God’s truth and love.

Trusting that God has a purpose for our lives and will direct our paths if we ask Him. We may not know what’s up ahead, but God is aware of what’s around every corner.

Realizing that God calls us His child, His beloved son and daughter; that we secure in His arms forever.

Discovering the beautiful potential God has placed within you and me.

Discovering all these things about God, His activity in our lives, and who He says we are, impacts us today and our future. It fills us with hope, peace, and confidence. The Lord holds our life in His hands and knows what is truly best for us. Knowing that God is with us leads to the discovery of so many blessings!

Let’s ask Him to help us uncover, realize, discover, and step into His ways with our hearts full of faith and wonder.


 “You make known to me the path of life;

you will fill me with joy in your presence,

with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:11,




I’d like to share a couple of short excerpts from my book (Bible study), “A Daughter of the King: Gaining Confidence as a Child of God.” It builds on the concept of discovering our God-given purpose.

You Have Purpose

Your identity isn’t what you do. Your identity, value, and worth are found in who you are—you are a child of God, and He has given His children the ability to do good things.  Stop focusing on your weaknesses and start looking at your strengths—there you will find an outlet for your ultimate purpose.

1.     What are you good at? Don’t be shy; list everything that comes to mind.


2.     What do you enjoy doing?

We don’t need to search for some grandiose, larger-than-life expression of our purpose, we just have to look at what comes naturally—things we’re good at, things we like to do, things that are on our heart, and the things and people we already have access to. It’s that simple.

God doesn’t use perfect people; He uses willing people.

God uses our experiences, our education—not just from the classroom—our passions, our sphere of influence, and our talents to impact the world around us.


Skills and Talents

Do you have a special flair, knack, or ability for certain things? Do you have a mind for numbers, a natural way with words, an ability for organization, a keen eye for décor, an aptitude for language, a talent for musical instruments, art, singing, or dancing, or are you a whiz in the kitchen? God has placed within each of us some natural abilities—certain skills and talents that come more easily—that He wants to incorporate into our purpose. Is there something you enjoy doing, anything that comes naturally for you, or something you’re particularly interested in? I encourage you to think outside the box. Whatever popped in your mind, I say pursue it! There is a use for every skill and talent you have inside of you; it just might be waiting to be discovered. If you want to strengthen your ability, talents, or skill sets with some formal training I say go for it! Enroll in a class, take lessons online, expand your horizons, and foster the growth of the skills and talents that God has already bestowed on you. Have confidence in the ability He has given you! Then go on to use your God-given skills and talents to bless others.

Exodus 31:3, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills…”


Just as God, in the time of Moses, gave His people the skills for building His “Tent of Meeting”, God is the One who gives us the skills and abilities for the tasks He entrusts to us.

3.     What comes to mind as your natural ability?  What steps can you take to strengthen it?


4.     How can you use your talents and skills to bless others?


A Simple Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, help me to appreciate the unique ways You have equipped me for Your purpose, not to envy what others do or have, but instead embrace my own calling. Show me how to best use my life to bless others and bring You glory, honor, and praise. Amen.


Open the door and discover all the Lord has in store for you. (This pretty red door is in Lisbon Portugal.)


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