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The other day I was having a conversation about how reactions to situations and people can cause us to be snappy. Our first instinct may be to impulsively react, without thought of hurt or repercussions, much like the snapping turtle who chomps down and leaves a mark; or we can thoughtfully pause and respond with the grace of a gingersnap—still maintaining a touch of spice but conducting ourselves with a gentle sincerity that leaves sweetness lingering in its place. Pondering these two vastly different mindsets and results causes me to pause and consider how my own moods, words, and actions have a residual and lasting impact on everyone around.

I pray that God would help me to be more like the gingersnap and less like the snapping turtle. I pray that my existence in this world would leave an impression of honesty, kindness, joy, truth, grace, mercy, and love. I hope to spread a warm fragrance and flavor wherever I wander and to everyone I encounter. The more time I spend with the Lord, the more I am better equipped and able to live like this. The more I am in His Presence, the more His Spirit overflows through me.

Philippians 4:5, “Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.”

One of my favorite impressions to leave in this world is one of joy!


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