Isaiah 43:10, “You are My witnesses,’ declares the Lord, ‘And My servant whom I have chosen, So that you may know and believe Me And understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, and there will be none after Me.’”
God’s Word is living and active; it is a written of revelation of God Himself; it reveals His essence, His power, authority, sovereignty, love, and mercy. It discloses His purpose for this world and each of us individually. Throughout the ages God has spoken to His people face-to-face, through dreams and visions, through His Law and His prophets. Sometimes He speaks through His Holy Spirit with prompting and nudges upon our hearts. He always speaks through His Holy Word—which is the Bible. God truly wants to be known by us.
Every one of us who has a Bible, holds in our hands a love-letter from our Heavenly Father. He wants us to read it and come to believe, know, and understand Him better.
We get to draw near to the God who created and knows us. He wants us to know, believe, and understand who He is. How reassuring, comforting, and empowering! God calls to us from wherever we are. We cannot hide from His Presence or run from His love. He seeks, pursues, and woos us to Himself.
Let’s respond to His gracious invitation and come to our Heavenly Father!