Love is the fundamental foundation on which all of our confidence and security is built.
Speaking from personal experience, I know that no matter how old we are, no matter how many wrinkles or gray hairs we have, no matter how tough we act, deep inside our hearts there will always be a young, vulnerable girl who longs to be loved and cherished.
From the moment we are born, our heart’s deepest longing is to be loved. Love affirms our very worth. It’s what keeps our spirit alive; it fills us with hope and spurs us on. Air, food, and water are vital to our survival, but left alone without love and intimate connection we will fail to fully thrive. Knowing that we are loved makes all the difference in the world. Love is our safe landing place when everything else falls apart. I have a wonderful message for you—there is Someone who loves you more than you could ever imagine! You’ve been on His mind since before you were even born, and He will love you far into eternity. He wants to be the One you think of, the One you turn to, the One who fills you with joy and hope and confidence. He wants to go through life with you. With His loving-kindness, God will keep pursuing you and drawing you into His open arms.
Jeremiah 31:3, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness.”
(An excerpt from "Confidence and Crowns: Devotions for a Daughter of the King.")
To hear the full message listen to my podcast, "You are Loved."
